Monday, July 28, 2008

Now I'm Here (July 29, 2008)

Yes, I made it! All logistical stuff went well and this is me getting picked up at the airport. I feel pretty much on Cambodia time already which is great, though I still get tired early. I am still staying with Doug & co. and will until the house I am moving into becomes available on Thursday.

I've been riding around town on the back of Doug's motorcycle (Honda 250XR for those who, like me, care about such things), getting to know the lay of the land. We are heading to the market in a few minutes to pick up stuff for the family and for me.

So anyway, it is "so far, so good". I saw HOPE school today, too, and met with the interim director/principal (he is a math teacher who is filling in for the normal guy who is on leave). That went well except when I attempted to explain how the US system handles donations to tax except organizations; ironically I was trying to explain a math problem to my boss and was coming up way short. Clearly, I will need to rework that lesson plan.



Anonymous said... Taylor flashin' a cambodian gang sign? Daaaaang!!! Hard as Nails.

Anonymous said...

the small group was thinkin' of you tonight...wondering how things were going and what you might be up to. you are missed and loved. -dragonslayer

rockoutwithourcoxout said...

im so glad you made it safe scott. we will be hitting up your blog frequently. we already miss you! tell doug and co. we said hi:)

The Boxman's

sarah cool said...

yay updates!! i'm bummed i didn't get a chance to say BYE before you left!

i was too busy last sunday morning getting a speeding ticket on my way to the airport.

have a fun week!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you made it! I love the sign; it's clear that your coming was anxiously anticipated!!!

I'll be praying for ya! Let me know if there's anything specific you want prayer for.

Also, remember that no matter where you're at in life, there's always time for stepping on your pancakes.