Tuesday, August 5, 2008

2 wheels, 8 legs, 1 house

Ok, I am still figuring out how to format text with photos, so this is probably going to look a bit wacky. But, hey, at least I can share some pics.

The black-er (none more black) German Shepherd is Annabelle and the light brown one is Scout. They like to fight eachother -- sort of remind me of Jake Miller and Ben Depew in that they are playing, but it is quite fierce.

The motorcycle sans plates on the left is the one I have been riding. It comes it quite handy on the muddy streets around my house. I do need to figure out how to get legal with it lest I have a run in with the police and am forced to flee to Laos.
The house is quite nice and has 2 floors. The upper floor is wood and is cooler at night. During the day, though, the lower floor of masonry construction (or whatever the proper terminology is) is the place to be. Quite interesting, or perhaps not.

I did a little decorating and handpainted a bunch of flowers and leaves. I think the owners will really appreciate my handiwork.

My kitchen, complete with refrigerator and microwave (not pictured).
Here is the steep staircase leading to the 2nd floor. It makes me feel a little bit like I am living at the Little House on the Prarie.

This is the upstairs room, complete with TV and DVD player and a bunch of movies. My bedroom and the bathroom are up here.


Wendy Jones said...

really? did you really just make a reference to LHOTP?
nice stenciling on the walls, though, Mr. Edwards.

sarah cool said...

I don't see a coffee maker. Is that why they stenciled "be patient in affliction" on their kitchen wall?

Also... no oven/stove? But I'm more concerned about no coffee maker.

Anonymous said...

YO Scousin!
Is that a kitchen? That's where people cook food, right? Does making a PB&J sandwich count as cooking? For you, I guess it does! The place looks a lot better than I expected and 2 bikes and 2 shepherds to boot?! What more could a single man/globetrotter want?
Miss you already man. Make the most of it over there, so you can come back home satisfied.
PS: look for some business related emails from me. They are for Kevin, Jon and Andrew but I will copy you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Scott!!

Great to see the photos. Looks like a cozy place and big enough for you and two dogs. I will check the blog often. Take care and stay away from the mosquitos.

Sally and Sean Jackson

Anonymous said...

You should could get a white bell bottomed motorcycle outfit like Evil Kneivel.


Anonymous said...

Matt, you're assuming he doesn't already OWN such an outfit.

Anonymous said...

interesting artwork. wait'll you see your place when you get back.


rockoutwithourcoxout said...

I appreciate the pop culture references in your posts (Spinal Tap, Dumb & Dumber). It's like you never left.

I will say that the flowers on the wall are a bit fruitty. At least you have the bad dirt bikes to offset the pansieness.

I like Matt's idea with the bell bottoms. You could paint matching vines around the bells, ride down Cambo Blvd yelling "I match my house!!!!"


Anonymous said...

Looks like a pretty sweet setup there Mr. Collins :)

Anonymous said...

I really like the upstairs--cozy and quaint. The dogs look really fun, too. Maybe teaching will get easier as you get more settled into your routine. How you find time on top of everything else to beautify the walls is beyond me-you're amazing!