Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Over- and Pre- Views

As you probably know, Doug and his family live in Phnom Penh (PP), Cambodia. About a year ago, I began considering the possibility of teaching over there at a private international school. Well, that possibility has become a reality – I had been doing my best to be open to whatever came my way, and I believe that this is a good direction to head. I see it as a cool way to play a small part in helping out the families that are there to help the Cambodians.

I have accepted a 1 year teaching position at HOPE International School and will begin on August 11. The school is English-speaking, Cambridge-accredited, and has only 150 students, most of whom are the children of families working to make PP a better place. The director of the school will be away on furlough until January, and the man temporarily taking his place will no longer be able to teach a full load. Thus, there was a specific need for a math teacher – I will be teaching 7-11th grade. Teaching itself is challenging, especially for someone new to the profession, so with the other factors it promises to be a challenging experience.

I will be leaving on July 24 (Cinci to Seattle to Taipei to Phnom Penh). For the first 5 months, I will be living in the house of a family that will be away on furlough and was looking for someone to care for their two German Shepherds and otherwise look after their place. The house is near Doug and Heidi’s place and is also near the school.

I would be glad to fill you in on more specifics if you are interested. Just send me an email.

Check out this Google Map that shows where I will be living and some other landmarks (Doug put this together). CLICK HERE.

Learn more about the school: HOPE International School

Contact Info:

Scott Collins
C/O HOPE International School
PO Box 2521
Phnom Penh 3

Facts about Cambodia (why they can use the help):
14 million people
35% live on less than the adjusted "dollar-a-day" international standard of poverty
Among the highest TB and HIV/AIDS rates in Asia


Farman A. Moayed said...

Hi Scott,

Nice blog. I look forward to reading it frequently.


sarah cool said...

you should update!

sarah cool said...

oh, also, a ton of lifespring peeps have blogs... links to them are on my blog.

Unknown said...


Thank you for the blog site. We will enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you will be dog-sitting. I may have to visit.
Kathryn L.

Papa VonGeorge said...

Hi, I just found your blog today: July 24, on our blog. Sandra must have found it (she's really smart). I'll be thinking about you as you drive to Cambodia today. Hope your air conditioner works!

Ginger Mitchell said...

The Mitchells are keeping you in our prayers.
As an extra bonus to the prayer, we are going to call your mom and dad every week and see if we can come over for dinner in your place until you get back.