Friday, November 7, 2008

Asian Stereotypes

I think it is always a good idea to make sweeping generalizations.  Here are two:
1) Asians are good at math. 
2) Asians are polite.

But are they true?  Let us explore together.  I have done the PhD-level research so you do not have to.

1) There are a lot of Koreans at HOPE school and many of them are good at math, but I think they are probably not much different (than the Europeans and Americans) aside from the notable fact that their families put a HUGE emphasis on school performance and on hard work.  I am not convinced this is ideal since there is definitely a place for enjoying your childhood/teenage years.  But, to get into university in Korea and, more so, in America, you HAVE to do well in school.  And, there are those Korean (and Cambodian, Taiwanese) students who are not particularly over-achieving.

2) When they have something to celebrate, like a wedding, it is not uncommon for them to set up a tent and blast the music at near-deafening levels.  And, as I found out today, it is okay in Cambodia to let the party begin at 4:30am.  Amazing.  And, in my opinion quite impolite.

And, lest this sound angry, let me say that it is not.  I just wanted to put up a couple of observations that were on my mind.

I am hoping to get some photos of general interest and post them soon.

Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

In countries like Combodia and even my country where average income is low and unemployment/inflation rates are high, mainstream people emphasize a lot on science and math (education in general) because they believe that's the best way to pull themselves up in society.

They believe with education they can gain social status, increase their chances for employment, and better salary.

But there are some downsides to it and here is not the best place to discuss them.

Anonymous said...

Math challenged folks like myself should do what I did...marry someone who is matematically gifted...thereby leaving every household with someone who can actually balance the checkbook!
xoxox Cousin Rhonda