Friday, November 14, 2008

The Vision Olympics

There is no vision olympics at this point in history. And, I need to just accept that there may never be. But, if there was, I have a hunch that I could medal in the 5m Freestyle Peripheral Vision event. The only downside is that it means I sometimes see things out of the corner of my eye that I might have preferred not to. Like today, when I thought I saw something hazy and brown off to my right while I was working at the kitchen table (and, no, aside from really dry steak, I do not consider eating to be work - my table doubles as a cluttered desk). I turned to see a rat in the middle of the floor. That is no good and is the first time I have seen one inside. They are, though, all over the place here. Sorry I have no pics to share.


sarah cool said...

Hahahaha... oh my GOSH. I'm interested in your reaction. Calm as this blog? Or screaming like a girl.

Karis said...

In Thailand, I had a rat that would come in through a hole in the screen every night. I'd seen the hole, but not the rat, until one day when I startled him by turning on the light and moving toward the sink...

It freaked me out, then again it just made me laugh, loving the quirks of life in SE Asia...

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if there were a vision Olympics there would be a biathalon event where one used his or her peripheral vision to first view, and then, using the second part of the athalon, shoot said varmint with a arrow issued forth from his or her bow.

Anonymous said...

God would understand if you need to bail from Cambodia. He hates rats too.

Anonymous said...

Your mom told me of your blog at church last week.I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are getting along. Sounds as though your doing reasonably well. I will enjoy reading these stories of life in Cambodia. We are well and Justin is getting ready to graduate from Miami. He is done next week! One down, two to go. Take care, tell Doug and Heidi and kids hello.
Paula Sims

Anonymous said...

Did you eat it? I heard rats are extra tasty with barbeque sauce...or in your case in Cambodia- fish or soy sauce.